The Coder’s Muse

Presented today for your approval, the story of a young computer whiz who runs into difficulty through no fault of his own. Not horror in the traditional sense, young Vernon Barber is push into a very dark place by two others with agendas to pursue. 3500 words; a brief read, and a non-supernatural chill. Could it happen to you? You be the judge. Just click the tab at the top of the page and dig in…

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As long as I’m here, allow me to promote my steampunk trilogy, Beyond the Rails. This was my first published work after I spent 55 years practicing. I wasn’t writing horror specifically back then, but it has its moments. Here’s a synopsis:

In the spring of 1882, a young man arrives in Mombasa, Kenya with a plan to change the world of science. A man ahead of his time, Nicholas Ellsworth is a botanist fresh from Cambridge whose mission is to catalog the flora of Africa and unlock its medicinal secrets for the benefit of mankind. Intrigued by a lovely young woman who happens to be an airship pilot of extraordinary skill, he falls in with a crew of expatriates, misfits and castoffs all, whose cargo blimp, the Kestrel, carries them from one adventure to the next as they try to eke out a living moving all manner of goods out beyond the rails. Their captain, a disgraced former military commander, is employer, protector, and father-figure to the young pilot, the Anglo-Prussian engineer, and a fugitive American gunslinger whose mysterious past could catch up with him at any time. Climb aboard and hang on for a thrilling ride through an alternate history!

First published eleven years ago, the series has been well-received and well-reviewed across multiple platforms. Available in paperback and Kindle, the first story can be found here:

2 responses to “The Coder’s Muse”

  1. I like that story – but no, it won’t happen to me. Not because I’m not as dweeby as Vern, but because I’m not that good a coder. And I must also say, for any doubters out there, that I’ve read the Beyond the Rails trilogy, and it’s – mwah! – mahvelous, simply mahvelous! Seriously, those stories are truly excellent. If you haven’t yet gotten into them, you really should.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m certainly extremely gratified that you enjoyed the story, and my most sincere thanks for the BtR plug! I had a long period of great enjoyment with those stories. That was my first published work, and of course, you never forget your first. Thanks again; you’re a saint!

      Liked by 2 people

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