
Horror has no boundaries. Most times, horror takes the form of ghosts, an unsolved murder, or even a possessed nun. In this case my idea of horror is an infant left helplessly in the glare of Chernobyl, the blast of a nuke, some form of radiation or infection that gives rise to this three-headed monster.

I felt uneasy while drawing this and even more so after finishing it, and I hope it delivers the same feeling to its unfortunate viewers.

Sweet dreams!

5 responses to “Repulsive”

  1. Chilling image, youngster! You know, it occurs to me that your stark, high-contrast style is almost a visual analogy to Negatrite’s Horror in the Hundreds stories and their ilk. There’s something about stories from Blair Witch country that seem to lend itself to that artistic style. I’ll bet you guys could put out one hell of a graphic novel if you decided to collaborate!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow… that’s super creepy and well done.

    I would like to point out that scientifically speaking, the three heads would have had to develop within the womb, rather than after birth. I don’t think it’s possible for a child to sprout two more heads after they’re born, even with radiation. The radiation would simply kill them. At least I think. But don’t mind me, I’m being pedantic 😅

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